Raven Hill Discovery Center is a regional science and technology center. It is located on 157 acres in a rural area of northwestern Lower Michigan next to the Little Traverse Conservancy’s Raven Ridge Nature Preserve. It is also a cultural, historical and art center. Raven Hill Discovery Center is the only place in northern Lower Michigan where children and adults can link science, history & the arts with hands-on activities and explorations both indoors and outdoors. Connections emerge through classes, exhibits and facilities that provide opportunities for all ages to learn, create, grow and play.
The Center is located between East Jordan & Boyne City, just off C-48
at Pearsall Road. The road is currently closed due to bridge
construction. Our Pop-Up Museum will be open weekends and the Main
campus will be open weekdays by request.
Winter Hours – Labor Day through Memorial Day hours:
Saturday 12 pm- 4 pm and Sunday 2 pm- 4 pm
Open most holidays and other times by appointment – call (231) 536-3369
Can’t make it during regular hours? Call to schedule an appointment at your convenience. For more information, phone 231-536-3369 or toll free 877-833-4254 or email info@ravenhilldiscoverycenter.org. You can also check the Center’s website: http://www.RavenHillDiscoveryCenter.org for more information.
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