I just came back from our City Hall here in East Jordan where I watched the filming of “Jack’s Journal” with Jack O’Malley interviewing Tom Sheridan and Denny Jesiek on the construction of “The Hum” replica. What a wonderful story and such a beautiful way to celebrate and tell the story about a very important part of our history.It was such a joy to listen to and watch Tom and Denny as they discussed how they embarked on the project, constructing the replica in the Sheridan’s basement last winter, the 1000+ hours they have invested in making this awesome replica a reality and the research they conducted on the history of “The Hum” and how vital a role it played to residents and visitors to East Jordan long before the automobile and roads arrived. What struck me most over and over during this interview today and any of the times I have spoken with Tom and Denny about this project – was their PASSION…so dedicated, so excited, so driven, so committed. What a great example these two gentleman present…so I guess the big question of the day is… what is my passion? What is your passion? What drives you? What can you or I do to make a difference or give back to make our community a better place? What in 2015 can I do to make a positive contribution back to my town to improve our quality of life?
Be sure to watch and celebrate Tom and Denny’s interview which will be aired on Monday, March 23, on the 6:00 PM news on TV 9 &10.
Thank you Tom and Denny for sharing your passion and talent. Your donation of “The Hum” to the City of East Jordan was a generous gift and a guarantee that the history of this boat will be remembered. “The Hum” is on display at East Jordan City Hall, Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, be sure to stop in and check it out.