100 Main Street | P.O. Box 137
East Jordan, MI 49727
Ph: 231-536-7351 | Email: info@ejchamber.org

East Jordan Public Schools

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East Jordan Elementary School, part of East Jordan Public  Schools, one of our nation’s great public school systems.

East Jordan Elementary is a Pre-K through 6th grade school.  The staff  and parents of EJES are dedicated to creating and maintaining our  school as one of the best elementary schools in Michigan.  At  EJES, “Best” is the only option.

Great Kids!  Exceptional Staff!  Outstanding Results!  Just a few reasons  to consider enrolling your child  at EJES.

We are unique in that we offer a comprehensive academic program with a wide variety of enrichment and extended learning opportunities.  In addition, we are pleased to offer innovative reforms that promote  best instructional practices.  Thank you for your interest in East Jordan Elementary School!

Elementary School students are enriched by programs funded by grants from the East Jordan Learning Alliance, The Malpass Foundation and the Charlevoix County Community Foundation.

  • EJ Elementary School houses four separate pre-school programs, including the Headstart Program, Great Start Readiness Preschool, East Jordan Co-Op Nursery and PreJ. These programs are offered to 3 and 4 year old students.
  • East Jordan Elementary students benefit from an after school “Strings Program,” offered through The Crooked Tree Arts Council.
  • Every elementary school student receives instruction in Art, Music and Physical Education.
  • More than 95% of our parents attend Parent-Teacher Conferences!
  • Our faculty members have developed assessments at each grade level in math, reading and writing that test the State of Michigan’s benchmarks and content standards.
  • Kids’ Club provides before and after-school daycare for families that need extra support each day.
  • East Jordan Elementary School teaches positive student behavior expectations building wide, and recognizes students who meet those expectations.
  • East Jordan Elementary School offers all-day, every day kindergarten.

East Jordan Middle/High School

We are proud to offer a comprehensive curriculum that is personalized to help students achieve educational excellence.

Course options range from college preparatory to Career and Technical Education classes, all designed to help students have a positive transition from high school to the world of work or to post-secondary education.

  • East Jordan High School’s high achieving students have the opportunity to enroll in AP Literature and Honors Courses in English and Science.
  • High School students are enriched by programs funded by grants from the East Jordan Learning Alliance, the Malpass Foundation and the Charlevoix County Community Foundation.
  • Members of the class of 2012 earned college credits through dual enrollment and direct credit options, prior to graduation.
  • More than 84% of our parents attend parent-teacher conferences. East Jordan High School students benefit from the efforts of a school counselor who helps senior students and their families with college plans, campus visitations, financial aid, college and scholarship applications, and much more.
  • EJHS business students consistently qualify for national competitions in the Business Professionals Association, a competition that measures a students’ business related skills.
  • All EJHS school Career and Technical Education courses are articulated with colleges and universities that extend college credit upon successful completion of the high school course.  The courses include Accounting, Automotive Technology, Business Management Technology, Drafting & Design Technology, Furniture & Woodmaking,  Marketing and Retailing.
  • 80% of EJHS students participate in one or more co-curricular programs in athletics, academic clubs and the dramatic and performing arts.


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